an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm.
"I crossed the road quickly, in fear the dog would jump up at me" ·
terror · fright · fearfulness · horror · alarm · panic · agitation ·
be afraid of (someone or something) as likely to be dangerous, painful, or harmful.
"I hated him but didn't fear him any more" ·
be afraid of · be fearful of · be scared of · be apprehensive of · dread ·

"Don't fear failure, Fear being in the same place next year as you are today"
Overcoming a fear alone isn't easy, no matter how much you want to.
Fears are planted deeply within our subconscious minds. They may have developed through experiences we have lived, heard about or even created in our minds. You may not even know why you have a fear.
The amazing thing about hypnotherapy for fears or phobias is that we do not have to face them physically to be able to overcome them. Hypnosis will rewire your brain to see what you fear now in a whole new way.
“Hello, Just to let you know, picked up my first spider in 10 years plus and put it in the garden. Even my parents couldn't believe it as they know what I was like"
KATIE / 33
“Laura I can't believe that I have gone into the gym by myself, and it didn't even worry me how busy it was. I even went for a coffee alone after and enjoyed it"